

a) Department Profile:

Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, came into being, fulfilling the long-cherished dream of the people of Nellore district, re-christened Potti Sriramulu Nellore district since 2008, by G.O.Ms. No. 89, Higher Education (U.E.II) Department, dated 25.06.2008. This GO makes history in the field of Higher Education in Andhra Pradesh since it paves the way for the establishment six new Universities in six districts in Andhra Pradesh.

Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, in its seminal role as a higher institute is grooming the careers of the youth to create a think-tank of resourcefulness for macro stakes in nation-building. The University is currently offering eleven courses keeping in view the resources of the region and the employability of the graduates. The University was established by Act No. 29/2008 enacted by the Legislature of the State of Andhra Pradesh on 25th June 2008. It started offering six Postgraduate courses of contemporary relevance from August 2008. Research programmes leading to the award of the Ph.D. degree have been launched on 29.08.2010.

Giving the University a full-fledged status, the Government of Andhra Pradesh in a letter from the Principal Secretary to Government, Higher Education Dept.No.9855/UE-II/2008-4 dated 09.04.2010, has authorized the University to exercise its powers of affiliation under the A.P. Universities Act, 1991, to bring UG/PG/ MBA & MCA (Professional)/Oriental, B.Ed, Law, colleges and one Engineering college, in Sri Potti Sreeramulu Nellore district under its jurisdiction from the academic year 2010 – 11. Thus 127 colleges, hitherto affiliated to Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, have been brought under the fold of Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore. Meanwhile the University Grants Commission conferred recognition on the degrees awarded by Vikrama Simhapuri University under Section 22 of the UGC Act, vide its communication No. F.9.2/2010 (CPP-I/PU) dt. 20 Jan 2010. The Association of Indian Universities has brought the University under its fold, vide its communication Meet/Mem/2010 dt. June 2, 2010.



c) Schemes / Activities / Action Plan:

1) Vision

To educate, to train, and to conduct research in areas of knowledge that contribute to the nation’s knowledge-wealth production.

To be in constant quest for quality and excellence in the field of higher education.

To aim at the production of a human resource base that meets global manpower requirements in frontier areas of knowledge.

To train the youth in the values of secularism, humanism, tolerance, ethical values and the momentous tasks of the reconstruction of humanity.

2) Mission

To lead the students towards participating in the nation’s socio-economic development with competence and character by training them to play a lead role in a knowledge society drawing upon the fruits of the Information and Communication Technology revolution. To conduct teaching and research and address issues in areas that reconcile national developmental needs and regional priorities and resources.

To promote and propagate innovative teaching and research programmers and create specialized centres of learning / training.

To create the ambience for the University-Industry interaction to foster in the students the outlook for acquiring the know-how and the do-how associated with the development and utilization of cutting edge technologies.

To develop collaborations with leading national and international agencies in areas of knowledge that enrich the students’ mind and enlarge their horizon so as to provide rewarding campus experience to them.

To develop paradigms of public-private partnerships for the development of academic and infrastructure development of the University.

To foster a sense of the importance of the third dimension of education and to harness and mobilize youth power to serve humanity and the community at large.

To help strengthen the values of egalitarianism and democracy.

To help the students launch on a path of self-discovery.

3) Gold Medals instituted

  1. Dr. T.V. Subbaiah, USA, instituted a Gold Medal in the name of Late Sri Trithala Venkata amanaiah in the Department of Marine Biology.
  2. Prof. Raj Reddy, USA, instituted Prof. K..C. Reddy Gold Medal in the Department of Master of Business Management.
  3. B. Adi Narayana Reddy, Bharat Builders instituted S.R. Sankaran Memorial Gold Medal for the best out-going student in the Department of Social Work.
  4. Prof. K. Srinivasulu and his son Com. Sridhar Kotra, NM, instituted a Gold Medal in the Department of Organic Chemistry in memory of Late Prof. Kotra V. Krishna Murthy, Retired Professor in the US.
  5. Maj. Gen. (Dr.) R. Siva Kumar, Head, NRDMS, New Delhi has instituted a Gold Medal in  The Department of Business Management for the best outgoing student.
  6. Seshamma T. Reddy, USA, instituted a Gold Medal in the name of Tikkavarapu Seshamma in the Dept. of Chemistry
  7. Sri Beeda Ramanaiah Gold Medal has been instituted by Sri Beeda Mastan Rao, Ex-MLA Kavali, in memory of his father for the best outgoing Student in Marine Biology.
  8. Sri Beeda Ramanaiah Gold Medal has been instituted by Sri Beeda Mastan Rao, Ex-MLA Kavali, in memory of his father for the best outgoing Student in M.Com Andhra Bank, V.R. College Campus instituted a Gold Medal in the Department of English.
  9. Prof. Vennelakanti Prakasam, Professor of English in The English and Foreign  Languages University, Hyderabad, instituted an Endowment Lecture in the Department of  English.
  10. Bhimreddy Pratap, Bhimreddy Foundation, USA instituted Gold Medal in the Dept. of  MCA
  11. Bhimreddy Pratap, Bhimreddy Foundation, USAinstituted Gold Medal in the Dept. of  Telugu
  12. Bhimreddy Pratap, Bhimreddy Foundation, USA instituted Gold Medal in the Dept. of Biotechnology
  13. Late Dr. K. Venugopal Reddy Gold Medal has been instituted by the Teaching StaffAssociation and his parents in the Dept. of Chemistry

Philanthropic Donation:

Sri K. Prakash Rao, Chief Project Director, Krishnapatnam Port, Reliance Power donated

Rs. 1 lakh for supporting poor students’ education.

d) Contacts:

S.No. Name Designation Phone Number
1 Prof.R.Sudarsana Rao VICE-CHANCELLOR Fax No  : 0861-2352357, Land     : 0861-2352366
2 Prof.Ande Prasad REGISTRAR Fax No.: 0861-2352356, Contact No: 9100058607/0861-2353288


e) Email / Postal Address:

Email ID:

Mail id: vsu[dot]vc1[at]gmail[dot]com

Mail id:vsuregistrar1[at]gmail[dot]com


Vikrama Simhapuri University,


Nellore – 524 320.

f) Important Website links relating to the Department :

Vikrama Simhapuri University have Website is and