

ICDS stands for Integrated Child Development Services, which is a government program in India that provides a range of services to children under the age of 6 and their mothers.


ICDS is a flagship program of the Government of India that aims to improve the health, nutrition, and education of children in the country. The program was launched in 1975 and is one of the largest programs of its kind in the world.


To improve the health and nutrition of children- To enhance the education and cognitive development of children- To empower women and mothers to take care of their children’s health and education- To reduce child mortality and malnutrition


ICDS provides a range of services, including:- Supplementary nutrition for children and pregnant/lactating mothers- Immunization and health check-ups- Pre-school education and childcare- Health and nutrition education for mothers- Referral services for children and mothers

Target Group:-

ICDS targets children under the age of 6 and their mothers, with a focus on vulnerable communities such as:- Children from low-income families- Children from marginalized communities (e.g., SC/ST, minority communities)- Children with disabilities- Children living in urban slums and rural areas


ICDS is implemented through a network of Anganwadi centers (AWCs) across the country. AWCs are community-based centers that provide services to children and mothers. Each AWC is managed by a worker and a helper who are responsible for delivering the services.


ICDS has had a significant impact on the health, nutrition, and education of children in India. Some of the key achievements include:- Reduction in child mortality and malnutrition- Improvement in child health and nutrition indicators (e.g., vaccination coverage, infant mortality rate)- Increase in enrollment and retention of children in primary school- Empowerment of women and mothers to take care of their children’s health and education Overall, ICDS is a critical program that has made significant contributions to the development of children in India. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to ensure that all children have access to quality services and can reach their full potential.

Organizational Structure:

Organization Structure

    • 2934 AnganWadiCenters are functioning under 12 Comprehensive Child Development Service Scheme under Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Nellore District.
Total AnganawadiCenters Main AnganawadiCenters Mini AnganawadiCenters
2934 2705 229

Through these centers 134834 children under 6 years, 14195 pregnant women, 11804 infant nutrition, 37686 children, pre-primary education and medical advice are being provided.
There are 1037 owned Anganwadi buildings, 1163 rented buildings and 732 free buildings in the district.
Buildings Repairs 115 in Phase-2 986 in Phase-2B
Today Buildings Co located-39, sat light-69

S.No Scheme Name No.of Eligible Benficiaries No.ofReceived Benficiaries
1 Balamrutham 6M – 36 Months,   36-72 months children 122436 119530
2 Bala Sanjeeveni Pregnant & Lactating Mothers 25834 25293
  • 37686 children are benefited under this scheme. 14195 pregnant women and 11804 lactating women are provided in kit form (copper flour, jaggery, groundnut paste, dry dates and paste).
  • As per GO No 16 the new government has announced BalaSanjeevani Scheme Take home ration kit for pregnant women and infants : enough for one month

Details of the kit:-

item One month quantity phase-1 Distribution
Rice 3kgs phase-1 1-5 dates per month
Dal 1 kgs
Oil 500ml
Eggs 13nos
Milk 2.5lts
copper flour 2 kgs
Rice Flacks 1 kg
jaggery 250gms
Chikki 250gms
dry dates 250gms
Eggs 12nos phase-2 15-16dates per month
Milk 2.5lts    

Children of 36-72 months (per person): Children of 36-72 months have one meal at AnganWadi Centre:

item Quantity for one day
Rice 75 (grams)
Dal 15((grams)
Oil 5 ((grams)
Milk 100(ml)
Eggs 1(25 per month)


• Launched in 2018 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India
• A flagship program to improve nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers
• Focuses on convergence of multiple sectors (health, nutrition, education, women and child development, sanitation, and drinking water)

Key Components:-

1.Nutrition Education: Community-based education and counseling on nutrition, health, and hygiene
2. Supplementary Nutrition: Providing supplementary nutrition to children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers
3. Health and Hygiene: Improving access to health services, sanitation, and drinking water
4. Convergence: Integration of services across sectors to ensure a comprehensive approach
5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation to track

Progress Goals:-

1. Reduce stunting and wasting among children (0-6 years)
2. Reduce anemia among children (0-6 years), pregnant women, and lactating mothers
3. Increase exclusive breastfeeding rates
4. Improve dietary diversity and nutrition intake

Target Beneficiaries:-

1. Children (0-6 years)
2. Pregnant women
3. Lactating mothers
BalaSanjeevani ICDSProgramme


  • To improve the nutritional status of children aged 3-6 years
  • To reduce malnutrition and related health problems
  • To promote healthy growth and development

Key Components:-

  • Nutritional supplements (energy-rich food, vitamins, and minerals)
  • Health services (vaccination, health check-ups, and referral services)
  • Nutrition and health education for mothers and caregivers-
  • Growth monitoring and tracking

Target Group:-

  • Children aged 3-6 years
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers 
  • Pre-school education in ICDS aims to provide a stimulating and nurturing environment for children aged 3-6 years, promoting their holistic development.

The program focuses on:-

  • Enhancing cognitive skills through play-based learning-
  • Developing social and emotional skills like sharing, cooperation, and self-confidence-
  • Encouraging language and communication skills-
  • Fostering creativity and problem-solving abilities
  • Developing fine and gross motor skills through activities and games-Inculcating good habits, values, and social norms

ICDS pre-school education emphasizes:-

  • Play-based learning with toys, puzzles, and games
  • Storytelling, rhymes, and puppet shows
  • Art and craft activities
  • Music and movement sessions
  • Outdoor play and nature walks
  • Parental involvement and community engagement
  • The program prepares children for formal schooling, builds a strong foundation for lifelong learning, and supports their overall development, making them ready for a successful and bright future!


  • TOTAL AWCs :2934
  • TOTAL OWN AWCs :1037 (Present Status)
  • TOTAL RENT FREE AWCs :1165 (Present Status)
  • TOTAL RENTED AWCs :732(Present Status)

School infrastructure improvement :

  • Phase-II AWCS : 108
  • Co-Located : 39
  • Satellite Foundation AWCS : 69

Implementing Schemes Under Women and Child Welfare Department

  • Mission Vastalya/ICPS
  • BetiBachaoBetiPadao
  • Mission Shakti/One stop centre
  • Adoption
  • Domestic Violence Cell (DVC)


Mission Vatsalya is a government scheme launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, in 2021. The scheme aims to strengthen the child protection services and ensure a safe and secure environment for children.

The main objectives of Mission Vatsalya are:

1. To prevent child abuse, exploitation, and trafficking
2. To protect children from violence, neglect, and maltreatment
3. To ensure access to education, health, and nutrition for all children
4. To support children in distress and provide them with rehabilitation services
5. To strengthen the child protection services and infrastructure

The scheme focuses on creating a robust child protection system, enhancing capacities of stakeholders, and ensuring effective implementation of laws and policies related to child protection.

Some key components of Mission Vatsalya include:-

1. Child Protection Services
2. Child Welfare Committees
3. Juvenile Justice Boards
4. Child Care Institutions
5. Support for vulnerable children
Mission Vatsalya aims to ensure that every child in India has a safe and happy childhood, and grows up to be a healthy and productive citizen.


1. Centre Administrator:

The Centre Administrator would be in charge of functioning of OSC. She would be the first point of contact with the woman who is accessing OSC. The Centre Administrator would interact with every woman seeking OSC’s intervention for addressing violence.

2. Case Worker :

She will provide assistance and support to the Centre Administrator in facilitating services to women accessing OSC. She will be responsible for other work as assigned by the Centre Administrator.

3. Police Facilitation Officer (PFO):

The Police Facilitation Officer will help the aggrieved women in initiating appropriate police proceedings against the perpetrators. In case a woman affected by violence is denied lodging of FIR/Complaint or any other assistance at the police station.

4. Para Legal Personnel/ Lawyer:

She will inform and orient the woman about her legal rights and help/guide the woman to legal proceedings against the abuse/violence suffered, if she is willing to do She/he will coordinate/liaise with the Public Prosecutor or the SLSA/DLSA Lawyer, to support the woman even after her case has been filed in court as well as to ensure there is follow-up of the case to its logical conclusion.

5. Para Medical Personnel:

She will provide first aid and immediate life-saving medical assistance to the aggrieved woman until she reaches the hospital. She will accompany the woman affected by violence to the Hospital. In cases of women affected by sexual violence, she will ensure strict compliance of the protocols developed by MoHFW to conduct forensic examination and other tests by the Doctors.

6. Counsellor:

She will provide psychological counseling and guidance to the woman affected by violence and support in referral services that may be deemed fit for the women affected by violence based on her needs. She will help draft the case history of the women affected by violence.

7. IT Staff :

The IT Staff would generate the Unique ID of the women affected by violence through web based software. She/he would document the case history as provided by the Centre Administrator, Counselor, Paramedic, Lawyer and Police Facilitation Officer and record proceedings for case management as well as develop the web based data, help in video conferencing, data entry operations etc.

8. Multi-purpose Helper:

She would be responsible for maintaining hygiene and sanitation at OSC. It would be her responsibility to clean the toilets (daily at such frequency which keeps it clean all the time), dispose the garbage, change the bed sheets, pillow covers (weekly) of shelter room.

9. Security Guard/ Night Guard:

Security Guard/Night Guard will work in shifts to provide 24 hour service at OSC. The Security Guard/ Night Guard would be responsible for the overall security of OSC. She/he would be responsible for safety of all capital assets, furniture and equipment at OSC.

Who can adopt a Child:

  • Who are physically, mentally and emotionally stable.
  • Financially capable.
  • Motivated to adopt a child.
    Should not have any life threatening medical condition


(a) Any prospective adoptive parent, irrespective of his/her marital status and whether or not he has his own  biological son or daughter, can adopt a child.
(b) Single female is eligible to adopt a child of any gender.
(c) Single male person shall not be eligible to adopt a girl child.
(d) In case of a couple, the consent of both spouses shall be required.
(e) No child shall be given in adoption to a couple unless they have at least two years of stable marital relationship.
(f) The age of prospective adoptive parents as on the date of registration shall be counted for deciding the eligibility

Domestic Violence Cell (DVC):-

  • A Domestic Violence Cell (DVC) is a support system established to help victims of domestic violence, particularly women and children.
  • It is usually a part of a larger organization, such as a police station, hospital, or nongovernmental organization (NGO).


  • Provide a safe and confidential space for victims to report incidents of domestic violence.
  • Offer emotional support, counseling, and guidance to victims.
  • Assist victims in accessing legal aid, medical aid, and other necessary services.

Facilitate the filing of police complaints and court cases.- Provide information on legal rights and protection available to victims

Services offered:-

  • Counseling and emotional support-
  • Legal aid and assistance-
  • Medical aid and referrals-
  • Shelter and rehabilitation services-
  • Police assistance and coordination
  • Awareness and education on domestic violence

Who can approach DVC

  • Victims of domestic violence (women, children, and men)
  • Family members or friends of victims
  • Service providers (NGOs, hospitals, police stations, etc.)