


  1. Maintenance of Land Records Pertaining to land in the State. Survey number-wise crops cultivated, sources of Irrigation ownership due to sale of land, hereditary transfer, following the due procedures envisaged in the ROR Act.
  2. Issue of Pattedar Pass Books and Title-deeds, Under the Records of Rights Act 1971 (amended in 1980, 89 and 1993) to the occupants also who are in occupation as a tenant, lessee, mortgager of the lands to facilitate them to seek loans on the land from banks.
  3. Assignment of Land for Agriculture and House Sites: Government land both for Agriculture and for House sites purposes to various categories of people like Landless Poor, Political Sufferers, Land Oustees, Ex-Servicemen, Government Servants, etc.,
  4. Alienation and Acquisition of Government land / Private Land for bonafide public purposes to a person, institution or local body either free of cost or on payment of market value, For public purposes like construction of Project, Factory, and Government Institution etc.,
  5. Protection of Government Land: From any encroachments, grabbing etc. to safeguard the interests of the Government.
  6. Under Inam Abolition Act, 1956 : This Act conducts enquiry and grants Ryotwari patta for eligible cases.
  7. Under A. P. Land Reforms Act (COAH), 1973: Determines surplus agricultural land and takes possession of the land declared surplus and distributes the land to landless agricultural laborers.
  8. Maintenance of Birth and Death Registers in the rural areas by Village Revenue Officers.
  9. Maintenance of Database & extending Citizen Services: By issue of various certificates namely Caste, Income, Residential, Integrated Caste-Nativity-Date of Birth, Income, Non-earning member, Possession, Patta, Extract of Pahani and PPB/TD etc.,
  10. Water Tax: Demand and collection as per the provisions of the A. P. Water Tax act 13/1997 on all agricultural lands notified under category I and category II sources of irrigation for every cropping season.
  11. Levy of NALA and One time Conversion and Collection.
  12. Under Revenue Recovery Act: Recovering arrears of revenue namely by Distraint and sale of immovable property, attachment and sale of immovable property, and arrest and detention of the defaulter.
  13. Relief and Rehabilitation in case of Natural Calamities: Like Floods, Cyclone, Hail Storm, Earth-quake etc and when a large number of people are affected, Organize relief camps and supply of food, water, Medicines, Clothing, Utensils, cash, etc. to the victims and construction of houses.
  14. Public Distribution System of Essential commodities like Rice, Wheat, Sugar, Edible oil under the Public Distribution System (PDS) to all Card holders. Appointing Fair Price Shop dealers in the State by Revenue Divisional Officer.
  15. Maintenance of Law and Order: Through various sections of Criminal Procedure Code are invoked in case of any breach or apprehension of breach of law and order by Collector, Revenue Divisional Officer and Tahsildar.


  1. Elections: The District Collector conducts various elections like Parliament, Assembly, Local Bodies, and Water User Associations etc. Publication of Electoral rolls, calling up of claims and objections, conducting enquiry, and issue of Photo Identity cards to all Voters online.
  2. Social Security activities: Identifying the beneficiaries under Widow Pension Scheme, OAP.,and Handicap together with National Family Benefit Scheme and also processes the cases for sanction of relief under Apadbandu Scheme where the primary breadwinner has met with an accidental death.
  3. Miscellaneous Activities: The Officials of the Revenue Department discharges various miscellaneous activities like attending Protocol duties in case of visits of VVIPs, supervision of conduct of various exams, eradication of child labour, eradication of Untouchability, adult literacy programme etc.


In the organization of Revenue Department the apex body of administration is the head office of Chief Commissioner of Land Administration at State Level. But the core administration is carried out at Districts that have direct interface with public. For administrative convenience the District is divided into Sub Divisions, which are further divided into Mandals that have jurisdiction over a few villages. The present set up of revenue administration consists of the following hierarchy of Officials.

  • Chief Commissionerate at State Level
  • Collectorates at District Level.
  • Divisional Officers at Revenue Divisional Level.
  • Tahsildars at Mandal Level.
  • Village Revenue Officer at Village Level.

At the Mandal level the Mandal Development Officer (MDO) takes care of the development activities.

The Collectorates play a pivotal role in the District administration. There are 13 Collectorates in the State. A Collector in the Cadre of I.A.S heads the District. He acts as the District Magistrate for maintaining Law and Order in his jurisdiction. He deals mainly with planning and development, law and order, scheduled areas/agency areas, general elections, arms licensing etc.

The Joint Collector who also belongs to the I.A.S Cadre runs the Revenue administration under various enactments in the District. He is also designated as Additional District Magistrate. He mainly deals with civil supplies, land matters, mines and minerals, village officers etc.

The District Revenue Officer (DRO) in the Cadre of Special Grade Deputy Collectors assists the Collector and Joint Collector in discharging their duties. The District Revenue Officer looks after all the branches of the Collectorate. He deals mainly with general administration and is vested with supervision of day-to-day functions of the Collectorate.

The administrative Officer in the rank of a Tahsildar is the general assistant to the Collector. He directly supervises all the sections in the Collectorate and most of the files are routed through him.




(As per G.O. Ms. No. 77 Revenue, dated 22.1.1968, as Amended from Time to Time)


  1. Maintain Law and Order and Internal Security by coordinating with the Superintendent of Police
  2. Look after the VVIP’s and VIP’s visits and facilitate their stay.

Over view important fairs and festivals involving Law and Order and agrarian and Labour and other situations.

  1. Exercise powers under The Andhra Pradesh Habitual Offenders Act, 1962.
  2. Encourage Social Service Organization like Red Cross, Social Guild of Service etc.,
  3. Requisition Motor Vehicles of other Departments and sanction and control Expenditure on Government Vehicles.
  4. Conduct Census operations.
  5. Attend the Telephone Advisory Committee Meeting or on exceptional occasions, depute the Joint Collector to attend keeping the Post master General and other concerned of the meeting informed of the fact.
  6. Issue and Renew licenses to pistols and Automatic Weapons.

Public Servants

  1. Maintain personal files of all Gazetted Officers in the Revenue Department including Tahsildars through Joint Collector.
  2. Write confidential reports of all Gazetted Officers of other Departments.
  3. Decide on transfers and postings of Tahsildars.
  4. Submit lists of names for inclusion in the promotion list of Revenue Divisional Officers, Tahsildars and Deputy Tahsildars through Joint Collector.
  5. Grant of leave of Tahsildars through Joint Collector.
  6. Enquiry into allegations against the Gazetted Officers.
  7. Decide on transfers, grant of leave etc., of Assistant Public Prosecutors, Grade I AND II.
  8. Act as the Chairman of joint staff council of Village Officers


  1. Review and supervise Collection of Land Revenue, Loans, Excise and other dues through Joint Collectors.
  2. Oversee Land Reforms (General Policy) Through Joint Collector

Civil Supplies

Review and supervise procurement of food items through Joint Collector.

Planning and Development

  1. Deal with all works relating to Planning and Development inclusive of all correspondence relating to Democratic Decentralisation.
  2. Control and Supervise Special Officers doing development work in district as Chief Executive Officers and Mandal Parishad Development Office

Irrigation (Major and Minor)

Exercise powers under the following acts— The Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Irrigation Act, 1357F.

Adverse seasonal conditions

Order for remission when there is widespread damage due to adverse seasonal conditions through District Revenue Officer.

General Elections

  1. Act as the District Election Officer.
  2. Order for periodical revision of electoral rolls
  3. Conduct polls in peaceful and fair manner.

Road transport authority

The Collector is the statutory Chairman of the Road Transport Authority.

Agency areas

  1. Look after Agency Administration and Development.
  2. Act under the Andhra Pradesh Agency Rules- A.P. Regulation 2/70,.


  1. Inspect the subordinate Offices at random.
  2. Inspect at least one Revenue Divisional Officers in rotation.

Discretionary Grants

  1. Sanction funds under discretionary grants.
  2. Give State Development Loans through Joint Collector.


Exercise powers under

  1. The Indian Registration of Foreigner Act.(Central Act XVI OF 1939)
  2. The Indian Explosive Act (Central Act IV of 1895)
  3. The Indian Arms Act (Central Act XI of 1878)
  4. The Arms Act, 1959 (No. 54 of 1959)
  5. Officials Secret Act.

Excise: –

Take action under The Andhra Pradesh Excise Act, 1968.




(As per G.O. Ms. No. 77 Revenue, dated 22.1.1968, as Amended from Time to Time)

The Joint Collector in a District is in charge of the following subjects.

Public servants: -

  1. Hear the appeals of Deputy Tahsildars against the punishment awarded by Revenue Divisional Officers.
  2. Review the tours and grant Casual leave to Gazetted Officers.
  3. Deal with the Disciplinary cases against Gazetted Officers and Deputy Tahsildars.
  4. Sanction T.A. Bills of Gazetted Officers.
  5. Sanction of loans to Government servants for House Building and purchasing of Vehicles
  6. Sanction of General Provident Fund (G.P.F) and to Government servants.
  7. Grant Leave to Deputy Tahsildars.
  8. Decide on the transfers and posting of Deputy Tahsildars.
  9. Deal with the service matters relating to Deputy Tahsildars (Subject to the condition that the Collector can interfere with the orders if he so chooses)
  10. Maintain Personal files of Deputy Tahsildars.

Planning and development

Act under The Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965(Andhra Pradesh Act No 6 of 1965) Irrigation major and minor: –

Exercise powers under the following acts

  1. The Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Land Revenue Act, 1317 Fasli.
  2. The Construction of tanks and Kuntas in patta lands Rules, 1950.

Adverse seasonal conditions

Deal with the correspondence relating to Flood, Famine and other natural calamities

Civil supplies

Completely in charge of the Civil Supplies work. Oversee Rice Mills and issue original licenses. In this capacity derive the powers from the relevant acts pertaining to Civil Supplies Department.


  1. Seek powers under Criminal Procedure Code.
  2. Enquire into cases of torture by police.
  3. Deal with bench Courts and appoint special Bench Magistrates and all other stipendiary magistrates.
  4. Hear the appeals against acquittal by Criminal Courts.
  5. Be an investiture of Magisterial Powers.
  6. Act as per The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 (Central Act VII of 1955) Domicile and Nationality Certificates.
  7. Look into emigration matters.
  8. Review the situation in Sub-Jails.
  9. Act under The Evacuee Property Act
  10. Rehabilitate displaced persons from West Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon and Mozambique repatriates.
  11. Act as per The Press and Registration of Books Act. (Act. XXV of 1867)
  12. Protocal : Perform such duties that Collector assigns in connection with V.I.P visits.


  1. a. Inspect offices of revenue divisional officers and special deputy collectors.
  2. b. Do random inspection of subordinate officers.

Legal Matters

Monitor the Suits and review all Legal Cases.

Small Savings

Review the Collections under Small Savings and motivate the functionaries to convince the public to invest in small savings.


Decide on the following type of leases

  1. Lankas Leases including Kolleru Leases under Lankas Lease Rules and Kolleru Lease Rules respectively.
  2. Secunderabad Lease Lands under Secunderabad Land Administrative Rules.
  3. Leases of Railway Lands.
  4. All other Leases.

Land revenue and loans

(i) Land Revenue.

  1. Deal with Jamabandi and correspondence relating to Jamabandi
  2. Hear Jamabandi Appeals in Andhra Area.
  3. Hear appeals and Petitions under Revenue Recovery Act (Act II of 1864)
  4. The Andhra Pradesh Rent and Revenue Sales Act (Act VII of 1839)
  5. Perform the duties and exercise powers as Additional Collector under section 6(a) of the Andhra Pradesh (T.A) Land Revenue Act for Telangana only.
  6. Review the Record of Rights Work.

Land acquisition

Review the Land Acquisition work under The Land Acquisition Act (Central Act I of 1894). Inspect the Lands under acquisition; scrutinize the Valuation statements and Awards.

Assignment and transfer of land: –

Deal with

  1. Assignment of Lands, House sites (Political sufferers also)
  2. Transfer of land from one Classification to another.
  3. Transfer of Land from one department to another.

Act under The Andhra Pradesh Bhoodan and Gramdhan Act, 1965 (Act XII of 1965).


Deal with

  1. Alienation of Government Lands.
  2. Relinquishments.

Estates abolition

Pass orders under Estates Abolition Act 1948


Act under The Andhra Pradesh Land Encroachments Act(Act III of 1905).


Empowered to act under

  1. The Andhra Pradesh Cinemas (Regulation Rules 1962)
  2. The Andhra Pradesh Cinemas (Regulation Act, 1955)


Encourage social forestry and deal with cases coming under relevant forest acts and rules.

Land reforms

Pass orders under

  1. The Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Amendments) Act, 1964 (Act No. 6 of 1964).
  2. Andhra Tenancy Act, 1956.
  3. P.L.R(COAH) Act, 1973
  4. The Andhra Pradesh Occupants of Homesteads (Conferment of Ownership) Act, 1976 Act 21 of 1976.
  5. The Andhra Pradesh Inams Abolition Act, 1956.

Mines and minerals

Decide on Mining Leases, Licenses and certificate of approval for major and minor minerals and mines under the The Mines Act, 1952.and other concerned acts.

Fire accidents

Deal with fire accident cases and over see the rehabilitation. Miscellaneous acts and subjects: – In addition to the above activities function as per the powers conferred by the following acts

  1. The Income Tax Act.
  2. The Sales Tax Act.
  3. The Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Atiyat Enquiries Act.

District Revenue Officer


(As per G.O. Ms. No. 77 Revenue, dated 22.1.1968, as Amended from Time to Time)


Supervise day today functioning of the Collectors Office.

Public servants:

  1. Deal with disciplinary proceedings against Upper Division Clerks (U.D.Cs), Lower Division Clerks (L.D.Cs) and Typists working in the subordinate offices, when the punishment proposed is beyond the competence of Revenue Divisional Officers and Spl. Dy. Collectors.
  2. Hear the appeals preferred by U.D.Cs, L.D.Cs and Typists working in subordinate offices against the orders of Revenue Divisional Officers and Spl. Dy. Collectors.
  3. Sanction Increments to Dy. Tahsildars.
  4. Order on arrear claims of Dy. Tahsildars, U.D.Cs, L.D.Cs etc
  5. Order on Travel Allowance (T.A.) Bills of Dy. Tahsildars and correspondence relating thereto.
  6. Grant leave to U.D.Cs, L.D.Cs., Typists and Attenders in the District Establishment.
  7. Deal with service Matters relating to U.D.Cs, L.D.Cs., Typists and Last Grade Government servants.
  8. Deal with disciplinary proceedings against U.D.Cs, L.D.Cs., and Typists working in Collector’s Office.
  9. Deal with transfer and posting of U.D.Cs, L.D.Cs., Typists and attenders in the District Establishment.
  10. Appoint, Transfer and punish Attenders and Last Grade Government Servants in the Collector’s Office.
  11. Maintain Service Registers of the Collectorate Establishment.
  12. Maintain Personal Files of U.D.Cs, L.D.Cs., Typists attenders Last Grade Government Servants and other Establishment in Collectorate
  13. Conduct examinations – Public Service Commission and Technical Examinations.
  14. Deal with correspondence relating to T.A. Bills Non-Gazetted Establishment.
  15. Furnish annual Establishment Returns (as on April 1st) and Number Statements.
  16. Deal with education and medical Concessions.
  17. Deal with verification of Antecedents.
  18. Sanction Loans to Government Servants for House Building and Purchase of Vehicles to the Categories of Government Servants for whom the D.R.O. is competent.
  19. Hire vehicles to the Categories of Government Servants for whom the D.R.O. is competent.

Assistant and transfer of land: -

Deal with the transfer of Registry and The Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Record of Rights in land Regulation 1358F.

Inams abolition of assignment

Act under the A.P Inams Abolition Acts 1956.


Deal with

  1. PAUPER suits.
  2. Writing off irrecoverable Arrears of Pauper Stamp duty.


  1. Requisition buildings and allot Government Buildings.
  2. Reserve Bungalows.
  3. Order for Tents.


  1. Deal with all Election matters except conduct of General Elections.
  2. Conduct Senate Elections.
  3. Conduct Cotton Market Committee Elections.


Act under the

  1. The Prohibition Act (Act X of 1937)
  2. The Sales Tax Rules (Licenses).

Motor vehicles

  1. Deal with Correspondence of Motor Vehicles and Jeeps.
  2. Act under The Motor Vehicles Taxation Act.
  3. Survey and land records: – Decide under Section 90 of The Survey and Boundaries Act of 1923.

Stationary and furniture

  1. Deal with correspondence relating to Forms and Stationery and District Gazetteers.
  2. Oversee the maintenance of Furniture and Typewriters.


  1. Control Expenditure and Receipts through review.
  2. Reconcile Treasury and Department Figures.

Vital statistics

Review and see that the information is collected under the following acts

  1. The Andhra Pradesh Registration of Births and Deaths Act
  2. The Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Pests and deceased Act (Act III of 1919).
  3. The Cattle deceases Act. (Act II of 1866).


Act under The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act (Central Act VII of 1904)


On advent of an epidemic, act under The Andhra Pradesh Public Health Act (Act III of 1939)


Act under the relevant sections of the following acts

  1. The Andhra Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act, 1951.
  2. The Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Ares) Endowments and Escheats Regulation 1817.
  3. The Hyderabad Endowments Regulation 1349 F.
  4. The Hyderabad Endowments Rules.


Deal with cases under

  1. The Indian Stamp Act of 1819.
  2. The Andhra Pradesh Court Fee and Suits Valuation Act, 1956 (Act VII of 1956).

Treasure trove

Act under The Indian Treasure Trove Act 1878 (Central Act VI of 1878).

Court of wards

Act under

  1. The Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Court of Wards. Act I of 1902).
  2. The Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Court of Wards Act 1305 F.

Audit reports

Look into audit reports and answer all audit objections.

Miscellaneous acts and subjects.

Work under the following acts and do the following miscellaneous functions

  1. The Workmen’s Compensation Act.
  2. The Public Canals and Ferries Act.
  3. The Indian Factories Act.
  4. The Petroleum Act.
  5. The Central Excise Act.
  6. The Gaming Act.
  7. The State Employees Insurance Act.
  8. The Dramatic performance Act.
  9. The Pawn Brokers Act.
  10. The Places of public resort Act (Act II of 1382).
  11. The Rent Control Act.
  12. The Co-operative Societies Act.
  13. Deal with Postal Correspondence.
  14. Deal with Weights and Measures problems
  15. Deal with Fisheries issues.
  16. Give Local Administration Reports.
  17. Deal with Pilgrims and their problems during festivals .
  18. Grant Licenses for Cotton markets.
  19. Deal with Reserve Bank of India Correspondence.
  20. Deal with broadcasting issues.
  21. Deal with Revenue Deposits and Government Deposits
  22. Deal with Highways issues.
  23. Perform the duties assigned by the Collectors in connection with V.I.Ps’ visits.
  24. Maintain Records and Record Room.
  25. Deal with Political Pensions.
  26. Coordinate with District Treasuries.
  27. Grant Educational Concessions.
  28. Maintain Rain gauges.
  29. Deal with official Language Correspondence.
  30. Give Domicile Certificates in Telangana Area only.
  31. Give Money Lending licenses – under Money Lenders Act
  32. Act under Indian Christian Marriages Act 1872.

Administrative Officer


The administrative officer has the following functions

  1. Deal with transfers, postings, leaves etc., of the staff including village establishment (excluding drawal of pay and allowances)
  2. Deal with disciplinary proceedings of the staff of Collectorate.
  3. Maintain office decorum and discipline.
  4. Maintain records and record room
  5. Do overall supervision on the Superintendents and the staff.
  6. Act as the drawing and disbursing officer of the Collectorate.
  7. Maintain cleanliness and facilitate for smoother public interface.

Authorised Officer

The authorized Officer in every district monitors the work done by the different functionaries under A.P. Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings Act, 1973) The work done by the different Officials is given below.

SNo Land Reforms R.D.O. M.R.O. M.R.I. Panchayat Secretary
1 Verification of declarations by declarant Scrutiny with reference to records Assists M.RO Assists M.R.I
2 Publication of Notices Issues notification Forwards them to MRI for publication Causes publicity Assists MRI
3 Passing of Orders Passes orders U/s 9 of the Act.
4 Service of orders Forwards to MRI for service Serve the order Assists MRI
5 Selection of surplus land Issues direction for selection Verification and spot inspection Assist MRO Assist MRI
6 Passing of orders and taking over physical possession Issues directions Authorizes MRI Takes over possession by conducting panchanama Assists M.R.I
7 Safeguarding of lands Supervision Conducting periodical inspection Conduct of frequent inspection Assists MRI
8 Furnishing of LR particulars Called for particulars Furnishes particulars Copies extracts
9 Fixation of compensation and payment Passes orders Effects payments Proper identification of payee
10 Assignment of surplus land Convener of Assignment Committee Formulates proposals for issue of pattas Conducts Socio Economics survey Assist MRI

Small Savings

The Tahsildar, Small Savings works directly under District Revenue Officer. He has to

  1. Coordinate with different functionaries in the District.
  2. Motivate the private agents who facilitate collections under small savings.
  3. Propagate the virtues of small savings, conduct meetings and mobilize the public to invest in small savings.

Collectors Office – Organization Structure



Revenue Divisional Officers Contacts
S.No Division Name Name of Officer Designation Mobile Number Email
3 Kandukuru REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER 8886616022 rdokdkr[at]gmail[dot]com
4 Atmakur REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER 9963474101 rdoatk5[at]gmail[dot]com
SNo. Name of the Division Name of the Mandal Tahsildar Official Mobile No Email
1 NELLORE NELLORE URBAN 7995576694 nelnel[at]nic[dot]in
2 NELLORE NELLORE RURAL 9849904070 nelnel[at]nic[dot]in
3 NELLORE INDUKURPET 9989931798 nelipt[at]nic[dot]in
4 NELLORE TP GUDUR 9989931797 neltpg[at]nic[dot]in
5 NELLORE MUTHUKUR 9849904080 nelmtk[at]nic[dot]in
6 NELLORE VENKATACHALAM 9849904072 nelvkc[at]nic[dot]in
7 NELLORE PODALAKUR 9989502065 nelpdk[at]nic[dot]in
8 NELLORE RAPUR 9989502064 nelrpr[at]nic[dot]in
9 NELLORE KOVUR 9849904069 nelkvr[at]nic[dot]in
10 NELLORE BUCHIREDDYPALEM 9849904065 nelbrp[at]nic[dot]in
11 NELLORE MANUBOLU 9989502066 nelmnb[at]nic[dot]in
12 NELLORE SYDAPURAM 9989502071 nelsyd[at]nic[dot]in
13 ATMAKUR ATMAKUR 9849904076 nelatk[at]nic[dot]in
14 ATMAKUR KALUVOYA 9177504903 nelkly[at]nic[dot]in
15 ATMAKUR CHEJERLA 9989931808 nelchj[at]nic[dot]in
16 ATMAKUR A SAGARAM 9177504902 nelasg[at]nic[dot]in
17 ATMAKUR AS PET 9177504901 nelasp[at]nic[dot]in
18 ATMAKUR SANGAM 9989502075 nelsgm[at]nic[dot]in
19 ATMAKUR SR PURAM 9977504908 nelsrp[at]nic[dot]in
20 ATMAKUR UDAYAGIRI 9989502077 neludg[at]nic[dot]in
21 ATMAKUR MARRIPADU 9177504912 nelmpd[at]nic[dot]in
22 KAVALI KAVALI 9849904063 nelkvli[at]nic[dot]in
23 KAVALI ALLUR 9989931792 nelalr[at]nic[dot]in
24 KAVALI KODAVALUR 9989931794 nelkdr[at]nic[dot]in
25 KAVALI VIDAVALUR 9989931793 nelvdr[at]nic[dot]in
26 KAVALI VINJAMUR 9989502061 nelvjr[at]nic[dot]in
27 KAVALI DAGADARTHI 9989502063 neldgt[at]nic[dot]in
28 KAVALI BOGOLE 9989931790 nelbgl[at]nic[dot]in
29 KAVALI JALADANKI 9989931789 neljdk[at]nic[dot]in
30 KAVALI DUTTALUR 9177504910 neldtr[at]nic[dot]in
31 KAVALI KALIGIRI 9989502062 nelkgr[at]nic[dot]in
32 KANDUKURU KONDAPURAM 9177504911 nelkdp[at]nic[dot]in
33 KANDUKURU VARIKUNTAPADU 9618835260 nelvkp[at]nic[dot]in