
Zilla Praja Parishad (ZPP)


ZillaPrajaParishad, Sri PottiSriramulu Nellore district is located in Coastal Andhra region, is one of the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh. The population of the district according to the Census 2011 was 29.64 lakhs. Nellore city is its administrative headquarters. The district is bordered by the Bay of Bengal to the East, Kadapa District to the West, Prakasam District to the North, Chittoor district and Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu to the South.

No. of Mandal PrajaParishads   (Erst While District) :: 46
a. No. of   Z.P.T.Cs :: 46 Working: 45 Vacant: 01
b. No. of  Chair Person :: 1
c. No. of  Vice Chair Persons :: 2
d. No. Of  Co-opted Members elected by ZPTCs from Minoritycategory) :: 2
e. No. of   M.P.T.Cs :: 554 Working: 541 Vacant: 13
f. No. of   M.P.P.s :: 46 Working: 45 Vacant: 01
g. No. of   Co-opted Members elected by MPTCs from Minoritycategory) :: 46
h. No. of   Mandal Parishads transferred to Tirupathi District :: 14
h. No. of   Mandal Parishads transferred from Prakasam District :: 5
i. No. of   Mandal Parishads in the New District   SPS Nellore :: 37
    OWN Accommodated in Govt. Sri  Sakthibhavan
No. of M.P.D.O. Office buildings :: 45 1- Jaladanki
No. of Gram Panchayat Office Buildings :: 837 107


organization structure


organization structure


S.NO Name Of the   Post Posts Sanctioned Working Working in PR   & RWS & S Working under   Foreign Service Vacant
1 Chief  Executive Officer 1 1 0 0 0
2 Deputy  Chief Executive Officer 1 1 0 0 0
3 Divisional Development Officers 5 5 0 0 0
4 Mandal Parishad Development Officers 46 37 0 0 9
5 Administrative  Officers 55 55 0 6 0
6 Senior Assistants 66 63 11 5 3
7 UD Steno 2 2 0 0 0
8 Junior  Assistants 222 218 7 5 4
9 Typists 54 53 10 2 1
10 Rec/Lib/Lab.Assts 292 282 4 0 10
11 Office  Subordinate 333 208 0 0 125
12 Driver 10 1 0 0 9
13 Watchman 100 3 0 0 97
14 Waterman 44 5 0 0 39
15 Sweeper 6 0 0 0 6
16 Gardner 10 0 0 0 10
TOTAL   :: 1247 933 32 18 313


  • Constitution and incorporation powers and functions of ZillaPrajaParishads are mentioned in under section 177 of APRR Act, 1994.
  • Every ZillaPrajaParishad shall consist of following members namely.
  •  Person selected under section 179 i.e., Z.P.T.Cs., and Co-opted Members -2.
  • The member of Legislative Assembly of the state representing the constituency which comprises either wholly or partly the District concerned.
  •  The member of house of people representing the constituency which comprises either wholly or partly the District concerned
  •  Any member of council of states who is registered voter in the District concerned.
  •  Any person belonging to minorities to be co-opted.
  •  General Elections for both elected bodies of MPP and ZPP on 24.09.2021 and 25.09.2021 were conducted respectively. The present status of the both bodies is as noted below;


  •  As per Section 268, read with Sections 160, 187, and 190 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994, meetings of Mandal PrajaParishad and ZillaPrajaParishad must be held every 90 days at the headquarters of the Mandal/District
  •  Total Members in ZillaPrajaParishad, SPS Nellore: 63
  • ZPTCs: 46
  •  Co-opted Members: 2
  •  MPs : 2
  •  MLCs: 4
  •  MLAs: 9
  •  Government vide G.O. Ms. No. 218, Panchayat Raj, Rural Development and Relief (Mdl-II), Dept. Dated: 31/03/1995 have issued Rules for the conduct of Business at the Meetings of Mandal PrajaParishad& Standing Committees of ZillaParishads.


  •  A meeting of every Mandal Parishad/Zi11a Parishad shall be convened once in every month for the transaction of business upon such dates and at such times as it may arrange and also at other times as of then as the meeting is called by the President of the Mandal Parishad / Chairman of the ZillaParishad.
  •  Mandal Parishad Development Officer / Chief Executive Officer shall, with the approval or on the direction of the President/Chairman concerned, convene the meetings of the Mandal Parishad / ZillaParishad as above.
  • Provided that where the President / Chairman fails to give his approval for convening the meeting within a period of 90 days from the last meeting the Mandal Parishad Development Officer / Chief Executive Officer may himself convene the meeting after issuing notices to the members and permanent invitees immediately in respect of the meetings to be held and also inform the President/Chairman in the matter immediately.
  • Provided further that if any Mandal Parishad Development Officer / Chief Executive Officer fails to convene the meeting within a period of 90 days from the last meeting, he shall be liable for disciplinary action under the relevant rules.
  •  No meeting shall ordinarily be held on any day during the period when the State Legislative Assembly or either House of Parliament is in session. However, a meeting may be convened on a holiday, if the State Legislative Assembly or either House of  Parliament is in session.
  •  No meeting shall be held unless notice of the place, date and time of the meeting and of the business to be transacted there at, is given at least six clear days before the date of the meeting. The meetings of the Mandal Parishads, ZillaParishads and Standing Committees of the ZillaParishads shall be held in their respective Head-quarters Offices only.
  •  In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 268 read with Sections 160, 187 and 190 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 Act No. 13 of 1994, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the conduct of business at a meeting of Mandal PrajaParishad, ZillaPrajaParishad for every 90 days periodically without fail at head quarters of Mandal / District.


  •  The District Collector is the District Election Authority for the conduct of Elections to Rural Local Body Elections under the direction of State Election Commission. (G.O. Ms. No. 142 , PR&RD (Elec. & Rules) Dept. dated: 03/05/2006)
  •  The Government have empowered under sub-section 1) of section 250-A of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 amended subsequently to appoint the Collector & District Magistrate of the District as Special Officer to a ZillaPrajaParishad to exercise the powers, discharge the duties and perform the functions of the ZillaPrajaParishad until the elected members, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of ZillaPrajaParishad assume office.
  •  The Government have authorize the concerned Collector & District Magistrate to appoint an officer from the District Level Officers, who are atleast one rank above the Mandal Parishad Development Officer as a Special Officer to the Mandal PrajaParishads until the elected members, the President and Vice President of Mandal PrajaParishad assume office.
  •  Permanent invite to the meeting of Mandal Parishad.(sec. 158 of A.P. PR Act. 1994)
  •  Permanent invite to the meeting of ZillaPrajaParishad.(sec. 188 of A.P. PR Act. 1994)
  •  Resignation of chairman, Vice-Chairman, an Elected Member (ZPTC), Co-opted Member – The District Collector is the competent authority to receive & accept the resignations of the afore said elected representatives.
    (sec. 185 of A.P. PR Act. 1994 & G.O. Ms. No. 217, PR & RD and Relief Dept. (Mandals – II) Dated: 31/03/1995)
  •  When the office of the President is vacant the one of the Vice-President as directed by the District Collector of the Mandal PrajaParishad shall exercise the powers and perform the functions of the President until a new President is elected


 1) The Chairperson of ZillaPrajaParishad shall –

  •  a) exercise administrative control over the Chief Executive Officer for the purposes of implementation of the resolutions
  •  of the ZillaPrajaParishad or any Standing Committee thereof;
  •  b) preside over and conduct the meetings of the ZillaPrajaParishad;
  •  c) have full access to all records of the ZillaPrajaParishad.

 2) The Vice-Chairperson shall exercise such powers and perform such functions of the Chairperson as the Chairperson may,
from time to time delegate to him in writing.

3) When the office of the Chairperson is vacant, the Vice Chairperson of the ZillaPrajaParishad shall exercise the powers
and perform the functions of the Chairperson until a new Chairperson is elected.
4) If the Chairperson has been continuously absent from the district for more than fifteen days or is incapacitated for more
than fifteen days his powers and functions during such absence or incapacity shall devolve on the Vice-Chairperson.


 (1) The executive power for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, shall vest in the Chief Executive Officer who shall –

  • (a) exercise all the powers and perform all the functions specially conferred or imposed upon him by or under this Act, or under any other law for the time being in force; and
  •  (b) lay down the duties of all officers and servants of, or holding office under ZillaPrajaParishad in accordance with the rules made by the Government.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the rules made thereunder, the Chief Executive Officer 

(a) shall be entitled to –

  • (i) attend the meeting of the ZillaPrajaParishad or any of its Standing Committees (including any meeting of the Mandal PrajaParishad) and take part in the discussions thereat but shall not be entitled to vote or to move any resolution;
  • (ii) call for any information, return, statement of account or report from any officer or servant of, or holding office under the ZillaPrajaParishad or a Mandal PrajaParishad.

(b) shall exercise supervision and control over the acts of the officers and servants holding office under the ZillaPrajaParishad or the institutions thereunder in matters of executive administration and those relating to accounts and records of the ZillaPrajaParishad or the institutions thereunder;

(c) shall have the custody of all papers and documents connected with the proceedings of the ZillaPrajaParishad and of its Standing Committees;

(d) shall be responsible for implementing the resolutions of the ZillaPrajaParishad and of the Standing Committees thereof;

(e) shall supervise and control the execution of all activities of the ZillaPrajaParishad;

(f) shall take necessary measures for the speedy execution of all works and development schemes of the ZillaPrajaParishad;

(g) shall have the power to enter upon and inspect any work, scheme or institution under the management of the ZillaPrajaParishad;

(h) shall have the power to enter upon and inspect any work, scheme or institution under the management of a Mandal PrajaParishad if the ZillaPrajaParishad or any of its Standing Committees so direct;

(i) shall be the competent authority to enter into agreements and to sign and execute them in the name and on behalf of the ZillaPrajaParishad from time to time;

(j) shall implement such specific directions issued by the ZillaPrajaParishad as it may think fit regarding the performance by him of any of the functions assigned to him under the act: Provided that such directions are in conformity with the terms and conditions governing planning, community development and other development activities entrusted by the Government or any other authority;

(k) shall immediately execute the orders passed by the Government in exercise of the powers conferred by the Act and rules made there under or any other law for the time being in force and shall forthwith send a compliance report to the Government and place a copy thereof before the *[Chairperson] and *[Vice-Chairperson];

(l) shall exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be prescribed.

(3) The Chief Executive Officer shall, with the approval of, or on the direction of the Chairperson convene the meetings of the ZillaPrajaParishad so that at least one meeting of the ZillaPrajaParishad is held every month and if the ChiefExecutive Officer fails to discharge that duty, with the result that no meeting of the ZillaPrajaParishad is held within a period of ninety days from the last meeting, he shall be liable to disciplinary action under the relevant rules:

  • Provided that where the Chairperson fails to give his approval for convening the meeting so as to hold a meeting within the period of ninety days aforesaid the Chief Executive Officer may himself convene the meeting in the manner prescribed.

 (4) Subject to the provisions of Section 195 the staff borne on the establishment of the ZillaPrajaParishad and the staff working in institutions and schemes transferred by the Government or the Head of Department of Government to the ZillaPrajaParishad shall be under the administrative control and supervision of the Chief Executive Officer.

(5) The Government shall pay out of the Consolidated Fund of the State, the salaries, allowances, leave allowances, pension and contributions, if any, towards the provident fund or provident fund-cum-pension fund of the Chief Executive Officer appointed under sub-section (1).

(6) The Government shall have power to make rules to regulate the classification and methods of recruitment, conditions of service, pay and allowances and disciplinary conduct of the Chief Executive Officer appointed under sub-section (1).


  • These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh ZillaParishad Deputy Chief Executive Officer’s (Powers and functions) Rules, 1995
  •  Every Deputy Chief Executive Officer shall ;
  •  Supervise the day to day functions of the office of the ZillaParishad ;
  •  Sanction leave except Special disability leave, increments and fixation of pay of all categories of employees of the ZillaParishad up to the level of Junior Assistants other than the teaching staff ;
  •  Initiate Confidential Reports of employees in the office of the ZillaParishad other than those belonging to education, accounts and Engineering wings ;
  •  Carry on all interim correspondence with all District Officers and Government ;
  •  Open Service Registers and to attest the entries in the Service Registers of all Non-Gazetted staff working under the control of ZillaParishad ;
  •  Purchase of livery for peons and drivers ;


ALLOCATION OF ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD FUNDS ::As per G.O.Ms.No.18, dated 24.03.2017 of PR&RD MDL-II) Dept., The following provisions were provided from the funds received to ZillaPrajaParishad / Mandal PrajaParishad General Funds under various programmes as detailed below

Sl. No. Fund Allocation Percentage
1 For  Upgradation, maintenance and restoration of existing assets including M.I.   Sources 23%
2 For  the Welfare of  
a. Scheduled Castes 15%
b. Scheduled Tribes 6%
c. Women and Child Welfare 15%
3 For  Drinking Water in emergencies 12%
4 For Office  management, office equipment establishment expenditure 15%
5 For  unforeseen contingencies such as activities of public welfare contribution of   sprots 4%
6 Contribution / Expenditure, Welfare, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Others 10%
  TOTAL   :: 100%


Sl. No. Grant Name WORKS TO BE  TAKEN
1 23% Maintenance  of works, Construction of community halls, Compound Walls, C.C. Roads, Side   Drains, Culverts and Road formations, Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools,  ZPPHS Constructions of Additional Class Rooms.
2 15% 2/3   utilities for Construction of SC Community Halls, Compound Walls, Maintenance  of works, CC roads in SC colonies, Side Drains & Culverts in SC colonies   and Drilling of Bore Wells, Purchasing of pump sets, Pipe Lines, Construction   of Mini Water tanks in SC Colonies and Road formations and the 1/3rd amount transferred to  Executive Director, SC Corporation.
3 6% 2/3   utilities for Construction of ST Community Halls, Compound Walls, Maintenance   of works, CC roads in ST colonies, Side Drains & Culverts in ST colonies  and Drilling of Bore Wells, Purchasing of pump sets, Pipe Lines, Construction   of Mini Water tanks in ST Colonies and Road formations and the 1/3rd amount transferred to   District Tribal Welfare Officer.
4 15% Construction   of Anganwadi buildings, all balance works related to Women & Child   Welfare). Compound Walls, additional rooms, Construction of Mini Water tanks,  Drilling of Bore Wells in any Anganwadi Center and Old age Homes.
5 12% Drilling  of bore wells, purchasing of Pump Sets, Pipe Lines, Construction of Mini   Water Tanks.
6 15% Office  Maintenance
7 4% Sports,  Emergency Medical Kits in Jathars&Pushkar Ghats.
8 10% Contribution  / Expenditure, Welfare, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and others


  •  The Chief Executive Officer shall in each year, frame and place before the prescribed date, a budget showing the probable receipts and expenditure during the following year, and the ZillaParishad shall sanction the budget, with such modifications, if any, as it thinks fit.
  •  The budget so sanctioned shall be submitted to the Government by the Chief Executive Officer through the Chairperson on or before such date as may be fixed by the Government and if the Government are satisfied that adequate provision has not been made therein or that it is otherwise unsatisfactory for giving effect to the provisions of this Act, they shall have the power to approve the budget with such modifications as they may consider necessary to secure such provision.
  •  If, for any reason, the budget is not sanctioned by the ZillaParishad under sub-section (1) before the date referred to in sub-section (2), the Chief Executive Officer shall submit the budget to the Government who shall thereupon approve the budget as if it were submitted to them under sub-section (2).
  •  If, in the course of a year, the ZillaParishad finds it necessary to make any alterations in the budget with regard to its receipts or items of expenditure a revised or supplemental budget may be framed, submitted and sanctioned or approved as far as may be, in the manner provided in sub-sections (1), (2) and (3). (Sec. 199 of AP. PR Act. 1994)
  •  The annual budgetsof 46 Mandals have been receieved for financial year 2024-25. The budget of ZPP for the financial year 2024-25 has been submitted to the Commissioner, PR & RD.


  •  ZPPF:- Employees working in local body organizations are allotted ZPPF number.
  •  A total of 7,795 ZPPF members work under ZillaPrajaParishad management.
    ZPPF & GPF Description:
  •  This scheme was made mandatory for Government employees from 1.3.1963.
  •  These rules are not applicable to those who joined as State Government employees after 1.9.2004. (G.O.Ms.No.654 Fin Dt:22.09.2004)
  •  Each subscriber is allotted an account number. It includes subscription details and interest earned etc.
  •  Each subscriber has to pay monthly subscription. Employees under suspension need not pay subscription.
  •  Subscription shall pay as per the rates mentioned in Rule-10. Can pay more than that not more than the salary (Pay+DA) drawn by him.
  •  Subscriber can increase his subscription twice in the year. It can also be reduced once. (G.O.Ms.No.21 F&P Dt:24.01.1981)
  •  Monthly subscription should be recovered from employee’s salary. Also, the contribution should be recovered from the salaries of those working on deputation and deposited in their employee account through challan. (Rule-12) (G.O.Ms.No.359 F&P Dt:25.10.1993)
  •  Interest will be calculated on the balance in the employee’s account at the rate specified by the Central Government and credited to the subscriber’s account.(Rule-13) at present rate of Interest 7.1% from July 2020.


  •  The 15th Finance commission was constituted by the President of India and was, inter-alia, mandated to recommend measures needed to augment the Consolidated Funds of the States to supplement the resources of the Panchayats during 2O2O-2O25. In line with 73rd Amendment to the Constitution of India, 15th Finance Commission has recommended grants to Rural Local Bodies/ Panchayat Raj Institutions RLBs/PRls) for next five years i.e., up to 2025-26.
  •  In the G.O.Ms.No.20, dated 12.05.2022 of the PR&RD PTS-II) Dept.. the 15th Finance Commission Grants to the Rural Local Bodies of both MPPs, and ZPP Operational Guidelines released for utilization of Grants as detailed below;
  • Basic Grants
  •  The Basic grants are untied grants and the RLBS can utilize grants for the following indicative list of items;

 Mandal Praia Parishads ::

  •  Maintenance of Mandal PrajaParishad buildings/Assets.
  •  Maintenance of Hand Pumps
  •  Construction and upgradation of Rural Roads
  •  Construction and upgradation of Schools, PHCS and Sub-centres, Veterinary Hospitals.
  •  Afforestation on barren lands, Community sites, Avenue Plantation, Institutional Plantation and procurement of accessories.
  •  Upgradation of facilities in burial grounds

Zilla Praia Parishads ::

  •  Operation and Maintenance of CPWS schemes and Multi Village Schemes
  •  Maintenance of ZillaPrajaParishad buildings/Assets.
  •  Construction and up gradation of Rural Roads
  •  Promotion of industries including agro and food processing.
  •  Up gradation of facilities in burial grounds

 Tied Grants

 Mandal Praia Parishads ::

  • The tied grants can be utilised for the following basic services in 50:50 ratio.
  •  Sanitation & maintenance of ODF status, and this should include management and treatment of house hold waste, human excreta and faecal sludge management.
  •  Supply of drinking water, rain water harvesting and water recycling. Bringing water from nearby surface source, bore well, in village distribution network with tap connections to the House Holds FHTC). 

Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY)

  •  Mission’s Back Ground::Scheduled Castes SCs), who constitute 16.6% of our population as per 2011 Census, have historically suffered social and educational disabilities and economic deprivation arising there from. With a view to bring them in the mainstream by socially and to economically strengthen them, special provisions have been enshrined in the Constitution for advancement of their interests. These provisions range from measures to remove any kind of social disabilities imposed on them to ensure equality of opportunity in every sphere, to measures of positive discrimination to bring them on par with rest of the population.
  •  Aims of Scheme::With a view to enable an area based development approach, a new scheme Pradhan MantriAdarsh Gram Yojana PMAGY) was launched by the Government of India. The Scheme aims at integrated development of Scheduled Castes majority villages.
  •  Benefits of this Scheme::By taking up identified activities, which do not get covered under the existing Central and State Government Schemes, through ‘Gap-filling’ funds provided as Central Assistance to the extent of Rs.20.00 lakh per village.
  •  Implementation of Scheme :: In light of the benefits accruing to the residents of the villages through successful implementation of this Scheme, it was decided in 2018-19 to extend the Scheme further as a continuous scheme by taking up certain number of villages every year for development. For this, it was decided to consider inclusion of all those districts which have villages having total population ≥500 and with more than 50% persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes. The villages in descending order of SC population are proposed to be selected from each such district for implementation of the Scheme. As per this selection criteria there are a total of 74 villages in 25 mandals for the year 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 are already selected and the implementation was also done. Further another 59 villages in 34 mandals up to 2025-26 in SPSR Nellore District which are proposed to be covered under the Scheme.
  • web:


  • It is a Government of India Project with estimated cost of Rs 100 Crores out of which Rs.30 Crores Central Government fund as Critical Gap Fund and remaining Rs.70 Crores from Convergence amount to develop the cluster of villages over a period of 3 years.


  •  The Government of India has launched NationalRurban Mission NRuM), aimed at developing rural areas by provisioning of economic, social and physical infrastructure facilities. The vision of NRuM is to “Develop a cluster of villages that preserve and nurture the essence of rural community life with focus on equity and inclusiveness without compromising with the facilities perceived to be essentially urban in nature, thus creating a cluster of Rurban villages”.


  •  To stimulate local economic development, enhance basic services and create well planned Rurban clusters.


  • Bridging the rural-urban divide-viz: economic, technological and those related to facilities and services.
  •  Stimulating local economic development with emphasis on reduction of poverty and unemployment in rural areas.
  •  Spreading development in the region.
  •  Attracting investment in rural areas.
  •  Total Investment planned in ICAP Rs.118.8900 Crores
    Total Investment estimated in Draft DPR Rs.126.4153 Crores
  • web:

District Development Coordination and Monitoring (DISHA) ::

Purpose: DISHA aims to improve development coordination and monitoring within the Constitutional framework, aligning the responsibilities of Central, State, and Local Governments.
Objective The District Development and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) is formed to ensure better coordination among elected representatives in Parliament, State Legislatures, and Local Governments (Panchayati Raj Institutions/Municipal Bodies). The goal is to promote efficient and timely development of districts.


  •  A Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) from the district, nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development.
  •  If there are multiple MPs (Lok Sabha) from the district, the senior-most is nominated as Chairperson.
  •  If the district has more than one Parliamentary Constituency and the senior-most MP (Lok Sabha) is already a Chairperson in another district, the next senior-most MP (Lok Sabha) is chosen.
  •  In case of equal seniority, the MP whose constituency covers the largest geographical area of the district becomes Chairperson.


  •  Other MPs (Lok Sabha) from the district.
  •  One MP (Rajya Sabha) from the State, who opts to join the district committee, can be designated as Co-Chairperson by the Ministry of Rural Development.

Disha Committee and Meetings

organization structure


organization structure

Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) ::

“Rashtriya Gram SwarajAbhiyan (RGSA) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) with funding pattern of 60:40 from Central and State Governments. The MoPR has rolled out the existing RGSA scheme and launched Revamped RGSA without changing the funding pattern with effect from Financial Year 2022-23 to 2025-26”


  • Empowerment of Gram Panchayats to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  •  Capacity Building and Training to Elected Representatives & Functionaries
  •  Strengthening Gram Panchayat infrastructure
  •  Technical support including Human Resource (HR) to Gram Panchayats.
  •  Special Support for Strengthen Gram Sabha in PESA Areas.
  •  Capacity Building and Training (CB&T),
  •  Gram Panchayat infrastructure support, Use of IT for distance learning & for e-Enablement of Panchayats.
  •  Institutional support for innovations, Gap filling support of economic development & income enhancement, Technical support including Human Resource (HR)based on identified gaps.
  •  To provide handholding support by Academic institutions/Institutions of excellence to GPs for Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP)formulation.
  •  To promote provision of adequate manpower at GP level & to provide support for technical manpower .
  •  To support greater e-enablement of Panchayats for e-governance to enhance efficiency and transparency with thrust on Panchayat Enterprise Suite (PES) Applications developed by the Ministry.
  •  To facilitate Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Public Finance Management System (PFMS), use and Geo-tagging of assets in Gram Panchayats.
  •  To Strengthen Gram Sabhas to function effectively as the basic forum of people’s participation, transparency and accountability within the Panchayat system.
  •  To Promote devolution of powers and responsibilities to Panchayats according to the spirit of the Constitution 73rd Amendment 1992 and PESA Act 1996.


  • The following Committees were constituted for implementation, monitoring & Management of RGSA scheme at State level:
  •  State Advisory Committee- headed by Hon’ble Minister for Panchayat Raj,
  •  State Steering Committee-headed by Chief Secretary to Govt. of AP,
  •  State Executive Committee – headed by Principal Secretary to Govt. of AP, PR &RD Dept.


  •  SaansadAdarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) was launched on 11th October 2014 with the aim to translate the comprehensive vision of Mahatma Gandhi about an ideal Indian village into reality, keeping in view the present context. Under SAGY, each Member of Parliament adopts a Gram Panchayat and guides its holistic progress giving importance to social development at par with infrastructure. The ‘Adarsh Grams’ are to become schools of local development and governance, inspiring other Gram Panchayats. By involving villagers and leveraging scientific tools, a village development plan is prepared under the leadership of a Member of Parliament. The distinct feature of this Yojana is that it is: Demand Driven, Inspired by Society, and Based on People’s Participation.

 Objectives ::

  •  To trigger processes that lead to the holistic development of the identified Gram Panchayats
  •  To substantially improve the standard of living and quality of life of all sections of the population through – Improved basic amenities, Higher productivity, Enhanced human development, Better livelihood opportunity, Reduced disparities, Access to rights and entitlements, Wider social mobilization, Enriched social capital
  •  To generate models of local level development and effective local government which can motivate and inspire neighbouring, Gram Panchayats to learn and adapt.
  •  To nurture the identified Adarsh Grams as schools of local development to train other gram panchayats

 Values ::

Far beyond mere infrastructure development, SAGY aims at instilling specific values in the villages and their people so that they get transformed into models for others. These values include:

1. Adopting people’s participation as an end in itself – ensuring the involvement of all sections of society in all aspects related to the life of the village, especially in decision-making related to governance
2. Adhering to Antyodaya – enabling the “poorest and the weakest person” in the village to achieve well-being
3. Affirming gender equality and ensuring respect for women
4. Guaranteeing social justice
5. Installing dignity of labor and the spirit of community service and voluntarism
6. Promoting a culture of cleanliness
7. Living in consonance with nature – ensuring a balance between development and ecology
8. Preserving and promoting local cultural heritage
9. Inculcatng mutual cooperation, self-help, and self-reliance
10. Fostering peace and harmony in the village community
11. Bringing about transparency, accountability, and probity in public life
12. Nurturing local self-governance


Sl. No. No. of Hon’ble MPs in the District Jurisdition
Name of the Gram Panchayat Name of the Mandal Name of the Charge Officer and Designation Phase No. of GPs. to be adopted since 2019-24 No. of GPs Adopted No.of VDPs uploaded No.of VDPs to be uploaded No.of Projects identified No.of Projected completed No.of Projectes in Progress No.of Projects not started No.of District level committes    conducted
Year No  of GPs
1 Adala Prabhakar Reddy Iskapalli Alluru Sri  Paturu Subrahmanyam, DLDO, Kavali IV 2019-20 1 1 8   8 0 3 5  
2 Sri Balli Durga Prasada Rao Annamedu Naidupeta P.Prabavathi, PD, DRA, TPT. IV 2020-21 1 1 23   23 3 9 11  
3 Adala Prabhakar Reddy Kovur Kovur Sri  Bhupathi Chiranjeevi, CEO, ZPP, Nellore IV 2020-21 1 1 104   104 89 13 2  
4 Vemireddy  Prabhakar Reddy Ramatheerdham Vidavalur Sri  Bhupathi Chiranjeevi, CEO, ZPP, Nellore IV 2020-21 1 1 9   9 6 0 3  
5 Vemireddy  Prabhakar Reddy Rebala Buchireddy  palem Sri Bhupathi Chiranjeevi, CEO, ZPP, Nellore V 2021.22 1 1 44   44 44 0 0  
6 Adala  Prabhakar Reddy Damavaram Dagadarthi Sri Paturu Subrahmanyam, DLDO, Kavali VI 2021.22 1 1 11   11 9 2 0  
7 Maddali  Gurumrti Budhanam Chillakuru V.Murali Krishanam, RDO, Guduru VI 2021.22 1 1 8   8 0 0 8  
8 Vemireddy  Prabhakar Reddy Purini Alluru Sri Seena nayak V.K,
     RDO, Kavali
VI 2022-23 1 1 14   14 10 4 0  
9 Maddali  Gurumrti Tada Kadaluru Smt.P.Sorojani,  RDO, Naidupeta VI 2022-23 1 1 8   8 5 3 0  
10 Adala  Prabhakar Reddy Madarajugudur Nellore  Rural Smt. D. Vasumathi,   DLDO, Nellore VII 2022-23 1 1 31   31 31 0 0  
11 Vemireddy  Prabhakar Reddy Kaligiri Kaligiri Sri  Seena nayak V.K,   RDO, Kavali VII 2023-24 1 1 28   28 23 5 0  
12 Adala  Prabhakar Reddy Donthali Nellore  Rural Smt. D. Vasumathi,    DLDO, Nellore VII 2023-24 1 1 15   15 5 7 3  
13 Beeda  Masthan Rao Allimadugu Bogole Sri  Paturu Subrahmanyam, DLDO, Kavali VIII 2023-24 1 1 60   60 59 1 0  
14 Maddali  Gurumrti Alturupadu Dakkili V.Murali  Krishanam, RDO, Guduru VIII 2023-24 1 1 7   7 6 1 0  
  Total:           14 14 370   370 290 48 32  



Head of  the Institions ::



Sl. No Mandal Name Candidate Name Mobile
1 Seetharamapuram CherukupalliRamana Reddy 9880757563
2 Udayagiri Modi Ramanjaneyulu 9632555577
3 Varikuntapadu RavellaNagendra 7680990199
4 Kondapuram VenkataraoYellavula 9949532737
5 Jalakanki SivaleelaMedarmetla 7207277000
6 Kavali RaghavuluJampani 9392160029
7 Bogole MaddiboinaKeerthana 9885752621
8 Kaligiri PaluruMalyadri Reddy 9440917718
9 Vinjamur GanapamBalakrishna Reddy 9440935412
10 Duttaluru Lakshmi KanthammaLekkala 8897624883
11 Marripadu MalluSudhakara Reddy 9440347797
12 Atmakur PemmasaniPrasanna Lakshmi 9948254755
13 Anumasamudrampeta PandillapalliRajeswaramma 9100384789
14 Dagadarthi TalluruSwarupa Rani 9949433349
15 Allur ChelamcherlaVeenamma 8074689759
16 Vidavalur ThummalaLakshmaiah 9849963595
17 Kodavalur PasupuletiSarojanamma 9441401587
18 Buchireddypalem SuraPradeepa 9000597999
19 Sangam Ravula Lakshmi 9701851202
20 Chejerla PeerlaPardhaSaradhi 9866678888
21 Ananthasagaram RapuruVenkataSubbareddy 9880116171
22 Kaluvoya Bulagakula Anil Kumar Reddy 8008379567
23 Rapur ChigurupatiPrasanna 7036392580
24 Podalakur Tenali Nirmala. 8500022705
25 Nellore Rural ArunammaAnam 9440693949
26 KOVUR KavaragiriSrilatha 9966019633
27 Indukurpet SriharikotaJayalakshmamma 9966172808
28 TP Gudur YembetiSeshamma 9550481361
29 Muthukur BandilaVenkataRamaniah 9989607765
30 Venkatachalam PotluruSubrahmanyam 9959024347
31 Manubolu ChittamuruAnithamma 9030076824
32 Gudur UtukuruYamini 9966651111
33 Sydapuram ChittaluriPolaiah 7997815938
34 Dakkili KalimiliRajeswari 879079886
35 Venkatagiri Vacant  
36 Balayapalli Sigamsetty Amara Sai 9395102100
37 Ozili GuntamaduguRaveendra Raju 9618419469
38 Chillakur MannemSeenaiah 6301916953
39 Kota DasariKotaiah 6305670361
40 Vakadu Routhu Ramakrishna 9866556798
41 Chittamur ChippalaVenkataiah 9392804996
42 Naidupet KattaJyothi 9347637198
43 Pellakur NannamPriskilla 9963891062
44 Doravarisatram Thirunnamalli Ramesh 9849022917
45 Sullurpet UggumudiSupriya 9963206557
46 Tada K. Indumathi 9566882143


S. No Mandal Name Candidate Name Mobile
1 Seetharamapuram Chintham Reddy Padmavathi 9491172041
2 Udayagiri Moola Padmaja 9741182082
3 VkPadu Gavadakatla Venkata Lakshamma 9177264320
4 Kondapuram Anuradha Boddu 9959943506
5 Jaladanki Gochipatala Venkata Ramanaiah 8096168685
6 Kavali Aaluru Kondamma 7993097649
7 Bogole Mekala Sujatha 9110568508
8 Kaligiri Mettukuru Sireesha 9493511928
9 Vinjamur Inaganuri Mohan Reddy 9701258099
10 Duttaluru Chejarla Jayanth Reddy 9032017576
11 Marripadu Gangavarapu Lakshmi Devi 9493522344
12 Atmakur Ketha Venugopal Reddy 9440827504
13 As Peta Boyilla Padmaja 9566119111
14 Dagadarthi Talluru Venkata Krishna Prasad 9100698957
15 Allur Darsigunta Sasirekha 9618372931
16 Vidavalur Kayala Soundarya 8897813367
17 Kodavalur Gali Jyothi 8500756157
18 Buchireddypalem Mannepalli Srinivasulu 9866721708
19 Sangam Kantabathina Padmavathamma 7386078035
20 Chejerla Thumati Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy 8374332694
21 Ananthasagaram Peyyala Sampoornamma 9441123283
22 Kaluvoya Lakshmidevi. R 6301057421
23 Rapur Kummragunta Prasanna 9701127091
24 Podalakur Kundukur Subbarayudu 8897807440
25 Nellore Rural Budidha Vijayakumar 7731808082
26 Kovur Thummalapenta Parvathi 8500460999
27 Indukurpet Gandalla Sankaraiah 9908170971
28 TpGudur Uppala Swarnalatha 9866622427
29 Muthukur Gandavaram Suguna 9866275057
30 Venkatachalam Manda Kavitha 9491842747
31 Manubolu Gundala Vajramma 9949194780
32 Gudur Buduru Guravaiah 6281873559
33 Sydapuram Poligoti Penchalamma 8500393353
34 Dakkili Gonu Raja Sekhar 9866181685
35 Venkatagiri Thambireddy Thanuja 9985054472
36 Balayapalli G.Bhaskar Reddy 9490131881
37 Ozili Gaddam Aruna Reddy 9962265537
38 Chillakur Thupakula Venkata Ramanamma 6303429717
39 Kota Anjamma Dasari 9912365572
40 Vakadu Kodavaluru Anasuyamma 9440730800
41 Chittamur Sannareddy Vijaya Lakshmi 9441123794
42 Naidupeta Kurugonda Dhanalakshmi 7013813580
43 Pellakur Sekhar Reddy Polamreddy 9848949594
44 Doravarisatram Duvvuru Sujathamma 9704669322
45 Sullurupet Alluru Anil Kumar Reddy 9866009009
46 Tada Kolavi Raghu 9550905933


Sl. No. Name of the Mandal Name of the Present MPDO Cell No. Email – IDs
1 ALLUR V. Jyothi 9000661026 nelmpd15[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
2 ANANTHASAGARAM A.Madhu sudhan Rao 9000661031 nelmpd21[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
3 ANUMASAMUDRAMPETA C.Srinivasulu 9949911509 nelmpd13[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
4 ATMAKUR P. Issac Praveen 9949911508 nelmpd12[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
5 BOGOLE A.V. Subba Rao 9000661021 nelmpd6[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
6 BUCHIREDDYPALEM D.V. Narasimha Rao 9949911767 nelmpd18[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
7 CHEJERLA N. Vijayalalitha, 9676401425 nelmpd20[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
8 DAGADARTHI Ch. Sreedevi, 9949911747 nelmpd14[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
9 DUTTALUR M.Sandhya Lakshmi 9676401416 nelmpd9[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
10 INDUKURPET P.Nagendra Babu 9000661032 nelmpd27[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
11 JALADANKI K.Chandra Sekhari 9676401428 nelmpd4[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
12 KALIGIRI M.Ranga Subba Rayudu 9000661017 nelmpd7[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
13 KALUVOYA K.Govardhana 9133779955 nelmpd22[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
14 KAVALI S.Sreedar Babu AO MPP Kavali   FAC 9949911737 nelmpd5[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
15 KODAVALUR P.Subramanyam 9000661023 nelmpd17[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
16 KONDAPURAM M.Brahmaiah 9100969954 nelmpd3[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
17 KOVUR M.Srihari 9949911757 nelmpd26[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
18 MANUBOLU G.Venkateswarlu 9000661037 nelmpd31[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
19 MARRIPADU P.Nagamani 9000661015 nelmpd11[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
20 MUTHUKUR K.Prathyusha 9949911510 nelmpd29[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
21 NELLORE RURAL V. Sailendra Kumar, 9000661030 nelmpd25[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
22 PODALAKUR T.Nagesh Kumari 9000661027 nelmpd24[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
23 RAPUR L.Yedukondalu 9000661034 nelmpd23[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
24 SANGAM M.Gopi 9000661028 nelmpd19[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
25 SEETHARAMAPURAM S. Bhargavi, 6281994565 nelmpd1[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
26 SYDAPURAM P.Sivakumar 9000661035 nelmpd33[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
27 T.P.GUDUR R.Kowsalya 9000661019 nelmpd28[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
28 UDAYAGIRI D.Eswaramma 7331128624 nelmpd10[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
29 VARIKUNTAPADU N.Malli Karjuna Rao 7993357488 nelmpd2[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
30 VENKATACHELAM SK.Mujibunnisa 7680007799 nelmpd30[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
31 VIDAVALUR G. Srinivasa Rao 9000661024 nelmpd16[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
32 VINJAMUR M. Rajesh Babu 9000661016 nelmpd8[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
33 BALAYAPALLI D.J.Vineel Kumar 9000661025 nelmpd36[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
34 CHILLAKUR V.V. Surya Sai 6305372447 nelmpd38[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
35 CHITTAMUR K. Shalet 9000661040 nelmpd41[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
36 DAKKILI P. Prasanna Kumari 9676401429 nelmpd34[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
37 DORAVARISATRAM B. Singaiah 9000661042 nelmpd44[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
38 GUDUR K. Venkateswara Rao 9949911505 nelmpd32[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
39 KOTA M.Bhavani 9949911506 nelmpd39[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
40 NAIDUPET G.Bhuvaneswara Sarma 9676401427 nelmpd42[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
41 OZILI V.Rajanikanth 9000661041 nelmpd37[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
42 PELLAKUR K. Suresh Babu 9949911502 nelmpd43[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
43 SULLURPET P.Prameela Rani 9701805229 nelmpd45[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
44 TADA S.Vijaya Kumar, 9000661022 nelmpd46[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
45 VAKADU S. Manohar Gowd, 9000661039 nelmpd40[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;
46 VENKATAGIRI K.Koteswara Rao 9949911501 nelmpd35[AT]ap[DOT]nic[DOT]in;